The sustainable world has recently welcomed a platform with revolutionary potential. Whether you are a farmer or a gardening lover, you will have a great time with Plantix! It will help you monitor the growing process of your plants and provide reliable tools to you to deal with issues that might show up along the way. It sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Indeed Plantix aims to support sustainable agriculture and assure revenue for people working in this sector while giving accurate and personalized advice to its users. It’s time to give our plants the treatment they deserve, and it is just a smartphone away! Your growing method is not working? No worries, Plantix can fix it!
In the beginning, Plantix was a Berlin-based AI start-up specializing in artificial intelligence in the agriculture sector. It was founded in 2015 by Simone and Rob Strey; in 2020, they acquired Salesbee, a Swiss-Indian start-up from Zurich. Back then they launched the Plantix project; designed to supply free virtual support to small and large growers around the world. The Plantix app provides its users with an AI capable of making diagnoses. Through a free consultancy, you can also learn specific cures and treatments for many types of plants and flowers. On the official Plantix Blog, you can find a wide range of useful articles related to agriculture and environmental sustainability.

However, the efforts they have made have not gone unnoticed. The app has indeed received important awards such as the USAID digital smart farming award; the CeBITInnovation Award, and the Worlds Summit Award. Plantix’s reliability is further confirmed by the wide range of important international partnerships with research institutes and intergovernmental organizations:
- ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for Semi-arid Tropics);
- CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center),
- and CABI (Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International).
Plantix makes available to its users a wide range of scientific innovations regarding agriculture. Plantix’s virtual assistance will take care of your plant’s entire growing process, detecting the presence of pests, diseases, or nutrition issues. This app supplies a solution to specific problems and/or needs; which means you will get a customized service every single time. Take a picture of your plant and you will receive an immediate diagnosis and free consultation on Whatsapp!
First, an AI detects pests and diseases; then a professional advisor will text you to provide a solution shaped precisely for your case. This way you will respond promptly to any attacks from pathogenic threats. We all want to know that our plants have a long and healthy life ahead, don’t we? This is a good reason to try Plantix! As mentioned above, the platform’s ultimate goal is to lower the cost of producing crops with environmentally sustainable solutions. These will hopefully lead to increased income for farmers.

The Plantix project so far has connected farmers from around the world. They all gathered on the digital platform for sharing their experience and knowledge of the industry. See Plantix Community as a social network entirely designed and conceived for plant lovers and growers everywhere out there. You will have the opportunity to confront yourself with professionals and amateurs. It could be a great opportunity for building bridges and encouraging mutual support and collaboration.
Does your plant suddenly look sick and you cannot tell why? You can take a picture of it and post it on Plantix’s Community page. We recommend you add a brief description stating the problem to make the feedback more appropriate. Scrolling through earlier posts, you might also find some answers to your questions. You will have the chance to discover new eco-friendly growing methods that will expand both your knowledge and your vision. Hence it seems Plantix is ready to build up a brand new sustainable farming system. Meantime, more and more people are approaching the platform, and with it, plant care.