When Richard Stengel assumed the role of new editor-in-chief of TIME magazine in 2006, he outlined his plans to steer...
the green side of pink
the green side of pink
The Green Side of Pink is a digital magazine with a philanthropic approach, we take care of informing about eco-sustainability, ethics, diversity and issues related to a more equitable world.
Education is fundamental to create concrete changes in society, this is the reason that pushes the magazine to bring to light issues related to eco-sustainability. It puts awareness and education at the fore within the magazine itself and is the content it offers to its readers.
The magazine deals with current affairs in the lifestyle and industry of fashion, art and beauty.
Bioart and research make up a field with several artistic practices that open possibilities to generate knowledge. In Bioart, biology,...
Marco Nardini, a valued contributor since 2021, uses Tipeee to amplify his voice on architecture and sustainability. Nardini, an experienced...
Do you know what upcycling is, when it was born and how to put it into practice? If not, come...
The History of Chiquita Brands This multinational company specializes in the production and distribution of bananas. Its history spans over...
Many and countless have been the struggles witnessed by this planet. And countless are the bodies and structures that have...
“Man’s best friend” is a phrase that resonates strongly when we think of dogs. It refers to the ancient and...
According to the Real Academia Española, regeneration “is the act of giving a new being to something that has degenerated,...
The life of animals on farms can involve experiences of exploitation. For example: intensive breeding for the food industry. This...
Sweet or dry. We can find it white, red and rosé. Some are teetotalers while others can become addicted to...
According to Costa Rica’s National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, forest fires: “correspond to a fire that spreads...
It has potential, sonority, appeal, and many shades of debate poured in its honor. We’re talking about the vegan industry...